Job Search
Job Seeker FAQ – New StyleCareers.com
This is the Job Seeker FAQ page. If you are a direct employer or an agency recruiter, please visit the Employers FAQ page.
I had a profile on the old version of StyleCareers.com. Will my profile transfer over to the new site?
Yes, all of your profile information has been transferred to the new site. There are a lot of new features available to job seekers like, Word/PDF resume uploads, detailed job alerts, enhanced privacy settings, design portfolios, etc… and as such, job seekers will want to modify/improve their profiles as soon as possible.
Will my old login information work with the new StyleCareers.com?
Yes, but your password will need to be in ALL CAPS (just the password). The password lookup page can be found here. If you need further assistance, please contact our Candidate Services Team.
Will my old job alert settings transfer to the new site?
Yes and no. You will still get job listing alerts via email based on the Category, Job Function and Region you selected on your old profile. The alerts however, will not go out individually (one for every job listing) rather, they will be batched into Twice Daily, Daily, Weekly and Monthly alerts. All legacy profiles will default to Twice Daily notification but job seekers can adjust this whenever they want. So yes, the same alert messages will be sent but no, the frequency will be different.
To learn more about Job Alert settings, please click here.
I unsubscribed from Job Alerts on the old StyleCareers.com BUT am getting job alerts now. Why is this?
During the transfer of data, all profiles that had Category, Job Function and Region selections were given matching job alerts by default. We are sorry if this has caused any confusion. You can login to your new StyleCareers.com profile and delete the default job alert OR adjust it in a way that it is less intrusive.
To learn more about Job Alert settings, please click here.
I integrated my StylePortfolios.com portfolio with my StyleCareers.com profile on the old site. Will the new version of StyleCareers.com have a link to my StylePortfolios.com portfolio too?
Yes, all portfolio integrations have been imported to the new site.
Do I have to use StylePortfolios.com to show samples of my work on the new StyleCareers.com?
No, the new version of StyleCareers.com allows job seekers to upload individual images OR lookbook documents in MSWord or PDF format to their online profiles.
What are the major differences between an old StyleCareers.com job seeker profile and the new site?
Your new StyleCareers.com profile is designed to help promote your personal brand. The overall look of your new StyleCareers.com profile will be very similar to that of a LinkedIn profile. You will want to fill-out the Headline, Summary and as much of the profile builder as you can. Rest assured, the resume that you pasted in the old StyleCareers.com is still accessible in the new StyleCareers.com; the contents of which, are still searchable by direct employers and recruiters.
Some additional profile high-lights include:
- You will be able to upload MSWord and PDF versions of your resume.
- You will be able to upload MSWord and PDF versions of your cover letter.
- You will be able to upload a personal logo or avatar.
- You will be able to upload a branding image (hero image), similar to a background, to help set the tone for your profile.
- You will be able to upload portfolio images so that recruiters will be able to see your talent.
- You will be able to link a video of your Elevator Pitch
Once you have your StyleCareers.com profile looking good, you can share your URL with potential employers even if they aren’t StyleCareers.com users. Rather than just submitting your resume to a job, you can share your resume, portfolio, branding images, pitch video and fashion-specific professional details.
Can I apply to job listings with my mobile device?
Yes, you can apply to job listings from your smartphone or tablet. Further, you can apply with OR without having a profile on StyleCareers.com. Please click here for details.
What are my privacy options on the new StyleCareers.com?
With the new version of StyleCareers.com, job seekers can still elect to have profiles that can be seen by any StyleCareers.com database customer. Similarly, job seekers still have the option to hide their profile from all employers and recruiters.
When it comes to privacy, the big difference between the new and old versions of StyleCareers.com is that with the new site, job seekers can have public profiles (resumes) that can be hidden from select users. For example, if you work for Company A, you can make your profile public but keep it so that no one from Company A can see it. Similarly, if you work for Company A and Company A has family members who own Company B and Company C, you can elect to be hidden from Companies A, B & C.
Learn more about privacy options here.
Is there a charge to use StyleCareers.com?
No, StyleCareers.com is FREE for job seekers. StyleCareers.com makes money by charging direct employers and recruitment agencies to advertise on the site.
It is our opinion that Jobboards that charge job seekers are often scams and are often, very poorly maintained (old jobs, wrong application info, etc…)
How do I change my password or email?
Log in with your current email address and password. Click the “Account Information” submenu found under the Job Seeker navigation button, then select the “edit” link next to your name.
How do I edit my contact information?
Log in with your current email address and password. Click the “Account Information” submenu found under the Job Seeker navigation button.
How can I get my resume on StyleCareers.com?
You can add, modify, or delete your resume by selecting “Resumes & Cover Letters” under the Job Seeker navigation button. You may post more than one resume in your account. You can hide your resume from employers that have access to the resume database by deselecting the checkbox “make this resume searchable to employers” when you are uploading/adding a resume.
Can I add more than one cover letter?
Yes, you can add, modify or delete cover letters in your profile.
How do I delete my account on StyleCareers.com?
Please contact us at candidateservices@stylecareers.com to delete your account and all of your information.
Will StyleCareers.com find me a job?
StyleCareers is not a recruiting agency. StyleCareers.com is a job board that focuses on the various fashion-related industries. We provide a venue of communication between job applicants and companies; all correspondence is between you and the company. For a list of agencies using StyleCareers, please visit our Featured Employers page.
Are all the job listings on StyleCareers.com real?
Companies pay to list their ads with our site AND to search our resume database. We can assure you, our job listings are very real. Job listings are posted on StyleCareers.com for 30 days. If you see a job that has been on the site longer, chances are it is still available as the hiring company has to physically re-post the position.
How can I stay current on new jobs that match my resume?
Sign up for job alerts to have StyleCareers.com automatically email you a list of new postings. You can create and edit your alerts at any time to help customize the types of jobs you are receiving.
To create/modify, log into your account and on the home page, hover over “Find Jobs” and select “Job Alerts.” You can edit an existing Job Agent or add a new one.
What are the different ways I can apply for a job on StyleCareers.com?
Employers can set up their job postings in three different ways. The first is to have job seekers complete a form that will automatically email your resume to the employer. The second is to direct job seekers to the employer’s Web site. And lastly, an employer may ask that you apply directly through StyleCareers.com.
Sometimes, an employer will post additional information on how to apply in the job description. It is important to read the entire job posting and follow any contact instructions listed. If you have any questions on how an employer wants you to apply to a specific posting, contact us.
Do I need to be registered to apply for a job?
No! Anyone can apply for a job on our site. However, you will not be able to store your resume or keep track of the jobs you’ve applied to unless you are registered and logged in at the time you apply for a job.
Job searching Basic and Advanced techniques.
A basic job search can be found in many places throughout StyleCareers.com. Our main page features the basic search at the top of the page. To use this type of search, select as many or as few fields as you wish and hit “Browse Job Listing.”
If you’re looking for a more in depth job search, on the right hand side of the Search Results page select Search and enter Keywords and the Fields necessary for your search.
If you’re looking to narrow down search results, use the Browse feature on the right hand side of the Search Results page.
Be sure to perform multiple searches using a variety of search parameters, as employers may not always post their jobs in areas you think. If you are not getting good results, try broadening your search by reducing the number of parameters used.
I see the perfect position for me on StyleCareers.com, but the company has listed it confidentially. I don t want to inadvertently apply to the company for which I currently work. If I tell you who I work for, can you tell me if it’s safe to apply?
Unfortunately, we are unable to provide any additional information than what is already provided in the job listing. If you are concerned about potentially applying to your own company or a sister company of the company you currently work for, it may be best not to apply. We try to make recruiters aware that posting ads confidentially will reduce the number of applicants because of this very reason.
What are saved jobs?
You may choose to save a list of jobs to review at a later date. Saved jobs can be found in the “Saved Jobs” area on your Account page. Your saved jobs will be remembered until you choose to delete them. Note: If a job expires and is removed from our system, you will not be able to recover the saved job.
How do I know what jobs I’ve applied for?
To view a list of jobs that you have applied for, log into your account and they will be listed on the right.
Note: You must be a registered user AND logged into your account in order for our website to track the jobs for which you have applied.
I’ve applied to many jobs but no one ever calls me back. What am I doing wrong?
Job seekers often ask us why they are not getting a response to their online resume. Chances are that your resume needs help, you re applying to jobs for which you are not qualified or your online profile lacks crucial information. WE WANT YOU TO BE SUCCESSFUL! As such, here are a few tips to help improve your StyleCareers.com online profile…
TITLE FIELD: Make sure to fill-out the Title field of your online profile with your current OR most relevant title. Note: This is the most popular search field used by recruiters; avoid abbreviations and spelling mistakes. If your current or most recent company uses non-standard position titles, include a standard title as well.
COVER LETTER: Include a cover email with your application. Be sure to tailor it to the position for which you are applying. A generic message does not show initiative or thoughtfulness.
UPDATE YOUR PROFILE OFTEN: When a recruiter searches the StyleCareers.com resume database, candidate profiles are listed in order of “last updated” date. In short, every time you update your profile, it moves to the top of the list. The more often you update your profile, the more likely it will be seen by recruiters.
KEEP YOUR INFORMATION CURRENT: Make sure to update the Resume Section of your online profile as soon as your professional situation changes. Verify your email address, phone numbers and mailing address every time you update your profile.
KEYWORD BANK: Include a Keyword Bank in the Resume Section of your online profile. Recruiters use keyword searches to find candidates for their positions. They will often use words and phrases from the job description of the position they are trying to fill. Note: A Keyword Bank should contain words and phrases that ARE NOT on your resume BUT THAT WILL help recruiters find your profile. For example, a Technical Designer should include Technical Design, Technical Designer, Tech Design, Tech Designer, TD, Spec Tech, Specing, Spec Sheets, and any other words/phrases that a recruiter might use to find a Technical Designer.
Email Support
Can’t find the answer to your question? Feel free to contact our Candidate Services Team, we are available during most business hours.

Chris Kidd is the owner of StyleCareers.com, StylePortfolios.com, StyleDispatch.com, FashionCareerFairs.com and FashionRetailCareers.com.
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