Job Search
7 Things Fashion Industry Job Seekers Need to do Immediately
Chris Kidd | January 4, 2021It’s no secret that 2020 was the worst year on record for fashion industry employment. At the height of...
Career Advice Round-up for the week of Dec 28th, 2020
Chris Kidd | December 28, 2020Curated job search articles for the week of December 28th, 2020….
Career Advice Round-Up for the week of Dec 21st, 2020
Chris Kidd | December 20, 2020 -
Career Advice Round-up for the week of 12-14-20
Chris Kidd | December 13, 2020Curated career advice from around the web for December 14th, 2020…
Recruiter Advice on What to Do Right Now
Fourth Floor | December 13, 2020During trying times, it’s easy to be anxious and uncertain, but we know what to do right now. Our...
Career Advice Round-up for the Week of Dec 7th, 2020
Chris Kidd | December 7, 2020Curated career advice from around the web for the week of December 7th, 2020…
The Airing of Grievances
Chris Kidd | December 1, 2020In the spirit of Festivus, we want to know what fashion industry job seekers are upset about with regards...
Career Advice Round-Up for the week of Nov 30th
Chris Kidd | November 30, 2020Curated career advice from around the web for November 30th, 2020…
Career Advice Round-up for November 16th, 2020
Chris Kidd | November 15, 2020Curated career advice for fashion industry professionals for the week of November 16th, 2020.
HIRING NOW! Urgent Need Fashion Jobs
Chris Kidd | November 12, 2020Here are the latest jobs posted to from direct employers who are hiring now! Customer Service – Women’s...