Job Search

Career Advice Round-Up for the week of Jan 18th, 2021

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Job Loss and Unemployment Stress –

Losing your job can be devastating. These tips can help you deal the stress of unemployment and regain your self-esteem.

Life And Career Advice You Don’t Want To Hear, But Need To Know

The following may seem grim and bleak, but it’s not. It’s a sound game plan that no one else will talk about. To appropriately and rationally manage your career, it’s imperative to consider the very real likelihood that things won’t be so sunny down the road.

3 Ways To Emphasize Your ROI On Your Resume

Creating your resume, but stumped for ideas beyond your job titles, places of employment, and education? Getting employers to pick up the phone requires a much stronger brand message!

How to negotiate a pay raise in a pandemic

An expert in organizational leadership and negotiation lays out why a virtual negotiation, instead of in-person, can work to your advantage.

Chris Kidd is the owner of,,, and

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