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Career Advice Round-up for the week of Aug 23rd, 2020

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Curated career advice for fashion industry professionals for the week of August, 24th, 2020.

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4 Tips to Protect Yourself from Getting Stiffed as a Freelancer – Money Nomad

Freelancing opens up a wide world of possibilities for those stuck in dead end jobs that they hate. Certainly, the idea of supporting yourself with a full-time freelance business is an exciting one. Of course, one of the hardest transitions to make from corporate gig to freelance life is no longer having a regular guarantee …

3 Interviewing Strategies To Uncover A Toxic Team

Prevent desperation and excitement of a job opportunity from clouding your judgment by using these 3 interviewing strategies to uncover a toxic team

How to Stop Feeling Stuck in Your Career And Get Ahead – LifeHack

Have you ever caught yourself in a daydream where you’ve gone for that upcoming promotion, and you’re now the boss at work? Or how about the one where

5 Reasons Recruiters Don’t Respond to Applications

Chris Kidd is the owner of,,, and

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