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Career Advice Round-Up for the week of Aug 17th, 2020

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Curated career advice for fashion industry professionals for the week of August, 17th, 2020.

Council Post: 13 Signs Your Workplace Is Toxic Enough To Warrant Quitting

Forbes Coaches Council experts share the signs you should be looking out for if you suspect your workplace is harming your mental health.

What to Do If an Employer Asks You to Do a “Job Audition”

Job auditions have become a typical part of the hiring process for employers as part of the applicant vetting process. They will often ask candidates to work on or complete a project, to show what they can do.

This is how each generation can freelance during and after the pandemic

Data shows that in the current COVID-19 landscape, half of companies are considering layoffs as a long-term operational strategy. Freelancers may be best positioned to pick up the work.

Chris Kidd is the owner of,,, and

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