Worklife Roundup for Sept 17th, 2018
This week we have articles on resume hacks, networking, applying to jobs on the go, and interview tips.
6 Simple Resume Hacks to Help Land Your Dream Job
It can feel demoralizing to know what your dream job is when you aren’t yet in it. But in actuality, anyone who has identified their dream job is already ahead of the pack. If you know what you want to do with your life, then you can focus on pursuing it.
10 Professional Networking Conversation Starters
Kathryn Sandford Career Resilence Coach who is passionate about thriving and growing in a complex world Read full profile The one constant thing in our life is change. We cannot avoid it and the more we resist change the tougher our life becomes.
Apply with your Mobile Phone – New StyleCareers.com – StyleDispatch
Got a few minutes to kill? Why not look for a job on your mobile phone? The new version of StyleCareers.com is mobile-optimized and ready for use with your smartphone or tablet. Not only can you search and view job listings from your phone, you can apply to them too!
How a record store is beating the odds
In 1989, when Bull Moose first launched as a record store in a small city in Maine, it didn’t seem disruptive. Compact disc sales were brisk then even at fairly high prices, the store was in a college town that provided a steady stream of customers, and streaming and file sharing were still years away.
12 Surprising Job Interview Tips
You’re almost there. Your resume landed you an interview and now it’s time to seal the deal. So what’s the best way to prepare? To find the answer, I looked back on my interviews, sifted through research, and most importantly, asked employees from today’s most coveted companies. I tried to find […]

Chris Kidd is the owner of StyleCareers.com, StylePortfolios.com, StyleDispatch.com, FashionCareerFairs.com and FashionRetailCareers.com.
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