Job Search

When your job search isn’t working, do this…

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Navigating the fashion industry can be incredibly challenging, especially when your job search isn’t yielding the results you hoped for. If you’re feeling stuck, it’s time to take a step back, reassess, and implement a strategy to better position yourself for success.

1. Reflect and Analyze

Start with self-reflection. Evaluate your current job search tactics and consider what might be holding you back. Are you repeatedly making the same mistakes? Are there knowledge gaps or areas where your judgment could improve? Honest reflection allows you to identify these issues and view them as opportunities for growth rather than reasons to give up.

2. Create a Targeted Action Plan

Once you have a clearer understanding of where you can improve, write out your career goals and develop a daily plan to achieve them. This includes:

  • Identifying potential employers that align with your career aspirations.
  • Networking within the industry by attending events and connecting with professionals.
  • Seeking advice from mentors and career coaches who can provide constructive feedback and guidance.
  • Engaging with recruiters who specialize in the fashion industry.

3. Tailor Your Application Materials

Ensure your résumé and cover letter are tailored to each job you apply for. Highlight how your skills and experiences directly address the needs of the job description. Instead of listing responsibilities, showcase your achievements and the impact you’ve made in previous roles. Your résumé should tell a compelling story of your career progression.

4. Keep Skills Up-to-Date

During any employment gaps, focus on skill development. Enroll in relevant courses, attend workshops, or volunteer to gain additional experience. This not only keeps your skills sharp but also shows potential employers your commitment to continuous improvement.

5. Prepare Thoroughly for Interviews

Before any interview, research the company extensively. Understand their products, services, business model, and mission statement. Practice your responses to common interview questions and rehearse your elevator pitch. Conduct mock interviews with trusted friends or mentors and seek feedback to refine your approach.

6. Maintain a Positive Mindset

One of the biggest hurdles job seekers face is carrying the weight of past rejections. Bitterness and resentment are easily sensed by interviewers and can hinder your chances. Focus on maintaining a positive and confident attitude. Address any lingering negative feelings and ensure they don’t affect your job search. Embrace each small victory along the way to boost your confidence and keep your spirits high.


The fashion industry is competitive, but with the right strategy, you can turn your job search around. Reflect on your current approach, create a detailed action plan, tailor your application materials, keep your skills up-to-date, prepare thoroughly for interviews, and maintain a positive mindset. By doing so, you’ll be better positioned to secure the fashion job of your dreams.

Chris Kidd is the owner of,,, and

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