Job Search

REPLAY: Recruiter Pet Peeves

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Did you miss all or part of our discussion on fashion industry recruiter and hiring manage pet peeves? Not to worry, we have the replay here:


1. Unprepared for the interview

Examples of not being prepared for the interview include: not researching the hiring company, unable to answer basic interview questions, asking generic questions, etc…

A great way to be prepared is to practice answering common interview questions and to have an elevator pitch.

2. Poorly written resume/cover letter (no cover letter)

With spell check, grammar check, online templates and job search blogs, there is no excuse for a poorly written resume these days. We have compiled quite a few articles on resume writing specifically for fashion industry professionals.

6 Things To Delete From Your Resume Immediately

Build Your Resume to Guarantee an Interview

The Best and Worst Words for Fashion Industry Resumes

Top Tips for a Stellar Fashion Resume

Three Ways to Make Your Resume Standout

3. Candidate does not meet the qualifications for the job

4. Timeliness; showing-up early or late to the interview

5. Grooming/Personal Presentation

Acing your interview outfit

To blazer or not to blazer, that is the question

6. Attitude/Over Confidence

7. Not revealing salary information

Negotiating your salary over email

5 Tips for Salary Negotiations

REPLAY: Salary Negotiations in the Fashion Industry

8. Poor communication prior too and/or after the interview

Job Seeker Fibs, Embellishments, Fabrications and Outright Lies

Beat the Bots! Optimizing your resume for Applicant Tracking Systems

Why Recruiters Ghost Candidates


Coffee w/Chris Replays


Chris Kidd is the owner of,,, and

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