Job Search
Make your StyleCareers.com Profile Standout
StyleCareers.com offers job seekers a lot in the way of Personal Branding opportunities. It is our hope that you will take the time to create a great profile; one that will give you an advantage over other job seekers.
This post will cover the following…
…Personal Logo
…Branding Image
…Elevator Pitch
…Multiple Resumes
…Multiple Cover Letters
…Portfolio Images/Lookbooks
The purpose of the headline is to get recruiters to read the rest of your resume.
Whether it is on a networking site or in a resume database, the tendency for job seekers is to just put their job title in the Headline field. It is a better practice to use this area to tell recruiters what you do and how you will add value to an organization.
For example, Account Executive, Women’s Contemporary only tells the reader what you are whereas, Experienced and well-connected sales leader with progressive experience in the Women’s Contemporary market, tells the reader what you are and what you have to offer.
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The summary should be used to sell your resume/profile to potential employers and should contain information that is not generally found on a resume. Increased sales by 30%, created a program that cut costs by 10%, opened 5 new factories, etc… are the types of phrases that let potential employers know that they can invest in you.
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The personal logo can be an actual logo, an avatar, a picture of yourself or even a sample of your work. The personal logo is displayed next to your name, current/most recent job title and your current/most recent employer.
The personal logo should be a square graphic in JPG or GIF format. Sizes of 300px by 300px work best. Have a picture that doesn’t meet those dimensions? Feel free to send it to our Candidate Services team for help.
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Surprisingly, a lot of job seekers fail to fill-out the Contact Information section of their online profile. While recruiters can get a candidate’s contact information from their uploaded resume, in many cases, that adds a step or two for the recruiter.
Make it easy on the people trying to hire you by filling out the Contact Informtion on your StyleCareers.com profile.
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The Branding or Hero Image is a graphic that is used to help “brand” your profile to potential employers. This image stretches the width of the viewing browser and is positioned above your Personal Logo and profile header.
The Branding Image should be a rectangular picture or graphic in JPG or GIF format. Sizes of 1200px by 240px and 1400px by 280px work best. Have a picture that doesn’t meet those dimensions? Feel free to send it to our Candidate Services team for help.
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An “Elevator Pitch” is a concise, carefully planned and well-practiced description of the value you bring to a company. The pitch should be easily understood by a layman and last 30-45 seconds; the typical time it takes to ride an elevator.
The “Elevator Pitch” is traditionally used by Sales People for chance (or not-so-chance) encounters with current and/or potential clients. Using a clear and concise delivery, the Elevator Pitch is used to help sell products and/or services.
Ultimately, labor is a market; you are the seller and employers are the buyers. Employed properly, the Elevator Pitch can be very helpful in selling your labor to potential buyers.
To help further your personal brand AND to help recruiters learn more about you, your personality and how you might fit with their culture, StyleCareers.com provides a space for a Youtube link. We encourage job seekers to record their Elevator Pitches, upload them to Youtube and include the link in their StyleCareers.com profile.
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The resume that you pasted into the Resume datafield in the old StyleCareers.com has been brought over as an HTML file in the new StylePortfolios.com. The text from the resume field is still searchable/viewable by recruiters BUT we encourage you to upload an MSWord or PDF version of your resume as well.
With the new StyleCareers.com you can multiple versions of your resume. For example, if you have both Product Development and Sales experience, you can upload a more product development oriented version of your resume as well as one that is more sales oriented. When applying to jobs, you can select the most appropriate resume to use.
It is important to note that with the new StyleCareers.com, you will be able to apply to job listings from your smartphone. Applying to jobs from your smartphone while logged-in to your StyleCareers.com profile allows you to select which resume you want to submit with your application without having to use a cloud service.
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The old version of StyleCareers.com did not allow users to upload cover letters; the new StyleCareers.com does. Further, the new StyleCareers.com allows users to upload multiple cover letters. For example, if you have both Product Development and Sales experience, you can upload a more product development-oriented version of your cover letter as well as one that is more sales-oriented. When applying to jobs, you can select the most appropriate cover letter to use.
It is important to note that with the new StyleCareers.com, you will be able to apply to job listings from your smartphone. Applying to jobs from your smartphone while logged-in to your StyleCareers.com profile allows you to select which cover letter you want to submit with your application without having to use a cloud service.
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The new version of StyleCareers.com allows users to include samples of their work for recruiters to review. Users can upload individual images (JPG or GIF) or documents (MSWord or PDF) containing multiple images (lookbooks).
The portfolio feature can be used by anyone on StyleCareers.com. While the obvious users will be designers, we encourage anyone who can benefit by showing samples of their work or sharing press about their work to use this new feature.
We have a detailed post on using the new portfolio feature here.
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Additional information can be found on our Job Seekers FAQ page. Further, you are welcome to call us during normal business hours at 314-454-9920 or by email at candidateservices@stylecareers.com.

Chris Kidd is the owner of StyleCareers.com, StylePortfolios.com, StyleDispatch.com, FashionCareerFairs.com and FashionRetailCareers.com.
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