Job Search

Career Advice Round-up

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Curatated job search and career advice from around the web for Monday, November 22nd, 2021…

Is there still time to ask for that raise? – Salary Tutor

How to ask for a raise in November or December As Halloween passes by in October, the leaves turn colors and then fall, and the down coats emerge as the temperatures start to dip, many employees go straight to loading up on Thanksgiving turkey, entering into winter hibernation mode, and putting their career on cruise […]

Employment Services

Employment Services

How to Negotiate for More Vacation Days

We’ll let you in on something that shouldn’t be so much of a secret: You can negotiate for more PTO. Here’s a play-by-play guide to getting the most out of your job, according to an expert.

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Chris Kidd is the owner of,,, and

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