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Discussing Growth With Your Manager

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Discussing job growth with your manager can be intimidating and uncomfortable. It is, however, an essential conversation you need to have if you’re looking to advance in your career. Here are a few tips to help you prepare for this conversation and make it a success:

Do your research: Before approaching your manager, do your research on your company’s career paths, job openings, and performance expectations. This will give you a better understanding of the opportunities available to you and how you can meet the expectations for advancement.

Prepare a plan: Come prepared with a plan that outlines your career goals, the skills you need to develop, and the milestones you need to hit to advance in your career. This will show your manager that you’re serious about your career and willing to put in the work to achieve your goals.

Schedule a meeting: Don’t approach your manager about career growth in passing. Schedule a formal meeting to discuss your career goals and how you can achieve them. This will give both you and your manager the time and space to have a productive conversation.

Be open and honest: When discussing job growth with your manager, be open and honest about your career goals, interests, and expectations. This will help your manager understand your aspirations and how they can support you in achieving them.

Listen to feedback: Be receptive to feedback and constructive criticism. Your manager may have insights or advice on how you can achieve your career goals that you haven’t considered. Be open to this feedback and use it to improve and grow.

Follow up: After your meeting, follow up with your manager to thank them for their time and reiterate your commitment to your career goals. This will show your manager that you’re serious about your career and motivated to advance.

In summary, discussing job growth with your manager requires research, preparation, scheduling a formal meeting, being open and honest, listening to feedback, and following up. By approaching this conversation with a clear plan and a willingness to listen, you can show your manager that you’re serious about your career and motivated to advance.

Chris Kidd is the owner of,,, and

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