Worklife Round-Up for May 7th, 2018
This week we have articles on time management, portfolio development, getting ahead and interview tips…
What to Do When Personal and Professional Commitments Compete for Your Time
Executive Summary You’re double booked. It’s not just one meeting scheduled over another. It’s something for your family at odds with a work commitment. These situations can trigger guilt and stress, but there are ways you can minimize these feelings with some thought and creativity.
Fashion Portfolio + Story Telling + Emotional Connection – StyleDispatch
David Leung has spent over 20 years as a creative director and designer in the fashion industry. He has seen and critiqued hundreds of fashion designer’s portfolios and wants to offer his advice. Read on to learn how to create a portfolio that will impress.
Use Your Seat to Get Ahead at Work
Sitting next to a star improves your performance, a growing field of research shows; Finally, something to like about open offices, writes Sue Shellenbarger.
Healthy Mind Healthy Body®: 8 ways to be happier on the job.
Using alcohol to help cope with stress may be a sign of trouble. Talk with your doctor if you have questions about alcohol use – or have difficulty drinking in moderation.* You might also ask about resources available at your workplace. It may provide a confidential employee assistance program that can put you in touch with professional help.
5 Tips for Conducting Productive, Informative Interviews – StyleDispatch
This article from Style Search & Consulting, originally posted on StylePortfolios, provides tips for you, the interviewer. Most resources related to the interview process are geared towards the job seeker and therefore focus on the interviewee. But what about the interviewer? The interview process can be stressful, not only for the job seeker, but also for …

Chris Kidd is the owner of StyleCareers.com, StylePortfolios.com, StyleDispatch.com, FashionCareerFairs.com and FashionRetailCareers.com.
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