Recruiter's Blog
The following is a quick reference for using the StyleCareers.com resume database search tool. For more detailed information and/or candidate search strategies for specific positions, please schedule a tutorial with Chris Kidd or one of our Service Managers.
The first thing to know about the StyleCareers.com resume database is that you should NOT fill-out every field. It is important that you only use the following fields with your initial resume database searches, nothing else. The other fields, those that are not listed below, can be used to narrow the search results if needed.
Search fields to use:
- Keyword
- Title
- Category
- *Product Category Expertise
- Job Function
- **Location (zip + radius)
*Product Category Expertise should only be used in initial searches if the position requires gender or age specific product experience.
**Use Location (zip + radius) if you are looking for local candidates. Use the Region selections if you are looking for candidates who are willing to relocate
Special Note: The Keyword and Title fields allow for simple Boolean phrases; AND, OR, NOT, Wildcard (*) and exact phrases (” “).
Keyword Example 1: *packag* AND *illustr*
This Keyword search will return candidate profiles that have both Packaging AND Illustrator on their profile or on their attached resume (must have both).
Note: The (*) is a wildcard. The AND statement ensures that both keywords will be on the profile or attached resume.
Keyword Example 2: *gerber* OR *accumark*
This Keyword search will return candidate profiles that have either Gerber OR Accumark on their profile or on their attached resume (must have both).
Note: The (*) is a wildcard. The OR statement ensures that at least one of keywords will be on the profile or attached resume.
Keyword Example 3: “open to buy” OR “open-to-buy”
This Keyword search will return candidate profiles that have either of the phrases open to buy OR open-to-buy on their profile or on their attached resume (exact phrase).
Note: The (” “) search for exact phrases; everything between the quotation marks. The OR statement ensures that at least one of keywords will be on the profile or attached resume.
Title Example 1: *tech*
With job titles it is important to truncate titles to their smallest common character string.
In this example we are looking for a Technical Designer. The wildcard search, *tech* will find any candidate who has Tech Designer, Technical Designer, Spec Tech or Costing Tech in their job title field.
Title Example 2: *account* OR *sales* NOT *assoc*
The NOT statement allows users to eliminate certain candidates from the search results.
In this example, we are searching for a wholesale sales person. Typically, these people are called Account Executives, Account Managers, Sales Executives, Sales and Marketing Managers, etc…
We use the OR statement to find profiles with Account or Sales in the title field and we use the NOT statement to eliminate store-level Sales Associates from our search results.
Title Example 3: *design* OR *creative* AND *dir* NOT *assistant*
The NOT statement allows users to eliminate certain candidates from the search results.
In this example, we are searching for a Design Director or a Director of Design (same job, different wording). Since it is common for a Design Director to be called a Creative Director, we used the OR statement to look for both.
We used the NOT statement to filter-out the assistants to the directors.
As noted previously, this is a quick reference for using the StyleCareers.com resume database search tool. For more detailed information and/or candidate search strategies for specific positions, please schedule a tutorial with Chris Kidd or one of our Service Managers.

Chris Kidd is the owner of StyleCareers.com, StylePortfolios.com, StyleDispatch.com, FashionCareerFairs.com and FashionRetailCareers.com.
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