Job Search
Recruiter Advice on What to Do Right Now
During trying times, it’s easy to be anxious and uncertain, but we know what to do right now. Our President, Susan Levine, knows the five things you should be doing to move yourself, and your career forward during this strange era. As she sees it, “what you do with this time is what is going to define you.”
1. Treat this as a learning opportunity.
Whether you’re working from home, putting in fewer hours, or unemployed, use a couple hours a day to research and learn more about your chosen field or profession. This could mean anything from reading up on industry news to taking an online course – anything and everything that can grow your professional skills! Being armed with this extra knowledge will also help you hone in on the specifics of your professional preferences, so you are ready for change when the time comes.
2. Develop your network.
While recruiters aren’t there in person, that doesn’t mean they aren’t there virtually. Career Group Companies recruiters specifically are hard at work, placing candidates in remote positions on both coasts. To get in touch with a recruiter, apply to one of the jobs posted on our website. If none of those roles look right for you, connect with our recruiters on LinkedIn – they will be happy to look over a resume, give job search advice, or even provide guidance on how to navigate this time! According to Susan, “there’s going to be a lot of competition when the market starts to return. And when things do go back to normal, it will be connections to people like Career Group Companies’ recruiters that will give candidates the inside edge.”
3. Set goals.
During a time of unpredictability, it’s easy to put things off and lose track of time. Susan insists that this is not the correct way to go about things. Instead, one should treat every day as an opportunity to move forward. This means setting short-term and long-term goals for development. This doesn’t just apply professionally, either – even Susan is uses this time to set goals, “both personally and professionally.” She says that “small wins – even checking things off a long to-do list – help increase positivity and productivity in a strange era.”
4. Prepare yourself.
Susan believes that every candidate’s job right now is to prepare for the day the market picks up. Whether it be using this downtime to work on a resume, update your professional references on Workgrades, or sharpen interview techniques, candidates should focus their efforts on how to become the “best version of [themselves]” during every aspect of the job hunt. This way, when the job market picks up, they will be ready to get to work.
5. Think ahead.
While it may seem hard right now, force yourself to think positively towards the future. Despite the economic ups and downs Susan’s gone through, she says there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. Besides this, Susan also notes that she learned her greatest lessons “when [she] was down.” Great leaders find a way to grow their career to a new level in times of crisis.
There’s no sugar-coating it; this is a tough, strange time to be in the workforce. But recruiters like Susan Levine are here to be your teachers, motivators, and leaders. They’ll help you use this time wisely and for the betterment of your career. We’re here for you. And if you put in the work and take advantage of this time, you will be better than ever.
At Fourth Floor, we understand that people are the cornerstone of the fashion industry. We place the best and brightest talent in roles at leading apparel, beauty, and lifestyle companies nationwide. The future of fashion starts at Fourth Floor.
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