Work Life

Not good at Small Talk? It could be hurting you at work.

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Small talk may seem insignificant, but it is actually a valuable tool that can help build relationships and facilitate communication in the workplace. In fact, not being good at small talk can hurt your chances for advancement in your career. In this blog post, we will discuss why small talk is important and offer some tips on how to improve your small talk skills.

Why Small Talk Matters

Small talk is important in the workplace for a variety of reasons. First, it helps build relationships with colleagues, supervisors, and clients. By engaging in small talk, you can establish a rapport with others and create a more positive work environment. This can lead to increased collaboration, better communication, and a more productive workplace.

Second, small talk can help break the ice and reduce tension in difficult or uncomfortable situations. For example, if you need to have a difficult conversation with a colleague, starting with some small talk can help ease into the conversation and make it less confrontational.

Finally, small talk can help you stay informed about what is going on in the workplace. By engaging in casual conversations with colleagues, you can learn about new projects, office politics, and other important information that may not be shared through official channels.

Tips for Improving Small Talk Skills

If you’re not naturally good at small talk, don’t worry! There are some simple strategies you can use to improve your skills.

  1. Prepare in Advance: Before attending a meeting or event, think about some conversation starters or topics that you can use to engage in small talk. This can be as simple as checking the news for current events or reading up on a recent industry development.
  2. Listen Carefully: When engaging in small talk, it’s important to listen carefully to what the other person is saying. This can help you identify common interests or topics to discuss, and demonstrate that you value the other person’s opinion.
  3. Ask Open-Ended Questions: Instead of asking closed-ended questions that can be answered with a simple yes or no, try asking open-ended questions that require more elaboration. This can help keep the conversation going and encourage the other person to share more about themselves.
  4. Practice Active Listening: Active listening involves not only hearing what the other person is saying, but also paying attention to their body language and tone of voice. This can help you better understand their perspective and respond appropriately.
  5. Be Genuine: Small talk is most effective when it is authentic and genuine. Instead of trying to force a conversation, focus on finding common ground with the other person and letting the conversation flow naturally.

In conclusion, small talk may seem like a minor aspect of workplace communication, but it can have a significant impact on your career. By improving your small talk skills, you can build stronger relationships, reduce tension in difficult situations, and stay informed about what is happening in your workplace. Remember to be prepared, listen carefully, ask open-ended questions, practice active listening, and be genuine in your conversations. With practice, you can become a small talk pro and take your career to the next level.

Chris Kidd is the owner of,,, and

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