Worklife Round-up for July 16th, 2018
This week we have articles on privacy settings, working from home, interviewing, networking, social media and using rival offers to get a better offer.
New Privacy Settings – New StyleCareers.com – StyleDispatch
With the old version of StyleCareers.com, privacy was an all or nothing proposition. Public profiles (resumes) could be seen by any StyleCareers customer who purchased access to the resume database. Private profiles were hidden from all employers and recruiters. With the new version of StyleCareers.com, job seekers can still elect to have profiles that can …
Ready to Work from Home? Ask Yourself These 6 Questions
Whether it’s a few days a month or a few days a week, the ability to work from home is becoming an increasingly common workplace perk. According to a recent survey by WorldatWork and FlexJobs, 80 percent of today’s companies offer flexible work arrangements for their employees, including the option to occasionally telework.
How to sound authentic in a job interview
One of the most common questions I am asked by candidates who are seeking interview coaching is about how they can show their true self in what seems like an unnatural setting- the job interview. Oftentimes candidates feel pressured to “put on a show” and manufacture the perfect answers, trying to predict what the interviewer wants to hear.
4 Ways To Get Your Network Contacts To Follow Through
Your network can be one of your most valuable resources, your ticket to that new client or paycheck. All too often, however, a network connection offers to make introductions and then fails to follow through. Here’s what you can do to turn this frustrating experience into the introduction you seek.
Why is this important? The Internet has given recruiters unprecedented access to job seeker information. Checking, for example, a candidate’s credit history or criminal record can be done quickly and cheaply through a variety of websites. Knowing what information is evaluated during background checks can help job seekers better prepare for the recruitment process.
Using a Rival Offer for Leverage? Be Careful
A worker with an enjoyable job at a good company feels underpaid, especially now that someone else is offering more money. Here’s how to proceed without getting caught in a bluff. Send your workplace conundrums to workologist@nytimes.com , including your name and contact information (even if you want it withheld).

Chris Kidd is the owner of StyleCareers.com, StylePortfolios.com, StyleDispatch.com, FashionCareerFairs.com and FashionRetailCareers.com.
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