New StyleCareers.com
First Things First: Your New StyleCareers.com Job Seeker Profile
If you had a profile on the old StyleCareers.com, the first things you’ll want to do on the new StyleCareers.com is:
#1. Login to your profile and verify your information. Pay special attention to your name, contact information and job search preferences. If you see any wrong information (like name, address, email address, etc…) contact candidateservices@stylecareers.com to report the issue.
#2. Add MS Word or PDF version(s) of your resume. Why? Two main reasons:
A. While the system will create a resume file from your old StyleCareers.com profile (as noted above), it won’t be elegant and it won’t be the type of resume that you’d hand someone at the beginning of an interview. Adding your “show” resume will give recruiters access to your best looking resume.
B. The new StyleCareers.com is mobile optimized. Having an MS Word or PDF version of your resume uploaded to your StyleCareers.com profile will make applying via mobile faster and more efficient than without.
Note: The text from the resume field on the old StyleCareers.com is included as an attachment to your new StyleCareers.com profile. You’ll be able to submit this file as a resume when you apply to job listings. We do however recommend that you upload a “pretty” or “show” version of your resume and use that for applications.
Once those two things are out of the way, you are good to start using your profile to apply to job listings. That being said, there are a few items that deserve your consideration in the near future…
Check your privacy settings.
We now have 3 different privacy settings. Private, no one can see it; Public, customers of StyleCareers.com can see it; and Semi-Private; some customers can see it. Semi-private is new to StyleCareers.com. This new feature allows job seekers to block one or more StyleCareers.com customers from seeing their profile BUT allowing it to be seen by the rest.
For more information on the new StyleCareers.com privacy settings, please click here.
Check your job alert settings.
The job alert from your old StyleCareers.com profile should be carried over to the new site. You have the ability to alter your existing job alert settings and/or create different job alerts. Unlike the old version of StyleCareers.com, job alert messages will only go out twice daily, daily or weekly (your choice) and not with every individual job.
There is a lot you can do with the job alert settings on the new StyleCareers.com. Please read this post for detailed information.
Build and brand your profile.
The new StyleCareers.com offers job seekers a lot in the way of Personal Branding opportunities. It is our hope that you will take the time to create a great profile; one that will give you an advantage over other job seekers. Please visit our post on getting the most our of your StyleCareers.com job seeker profile.

Chris Kidd is the owner of StyleCareers.com, StylePortfolios.com, StyleDispatch.com, FashionCareerFairs.com and FashionRetailCareers.com.
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