Job Search
Chris Kidd | April 5, 2021Curated career advice for fashion industry professionals for the week of April 5th, 2021.
Leaving Fashion?
Chris Kidd | March 1, 2021Between the Retail Apocalypse, COVID-19 and the recent social unrest, few industries have experienced more devastation than ours. Because...
Career Advice Round-up for Feb 22nd, 2021
Chris Kidd | February 22, 2021Curated career advice for fashion industry professionals for the week of February 22nd, 2021.
Career Advice Round-up for Feb 15th, 2021
Chris Kidd | February 15, 2021Curated career advice for fashion industry professionals for the week of February 15th, 2021…
HIRING NOW: Urgent Need Fashion Positions
Chris Kidd | February 11, 2021Here are the urgent need positions for the second half of the week… Employer Spotlight: URGENT NEED FASHION POSITIONS...
Career Advice Round-up
Chris Kidd | February 8, 2021Curated career advice from around the web for the week of February 8th, 2021…
Career Advice Round-up for the Week of February 1st
Chris Kidd | February 1, 2021Curated career advice for fashion industry professionals for the week of February 1st, 2021.
Career Advice Round-Up for the week of January 25th
Chris Kidd | January 25, 2021Curated career advice from around the web for the week of July 6th, 2020.
Career Advice Round-Up for the week of Jan 18th, 2021
Chris Kidd | January 17, 2021These are the career-related articles that caught our attention this week,
Career Advice Round-up for the week of Jan 11th, 2021
Chris Kidd | January 11, 2021We scour the web so you don’t have to! Please see below for our curated job search articles for...