Job Search

Career Advice Round-up

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Curated career advice for fashion industry professionals for the week of May 10th, 2021.

3 Ways To Emphasize Your ROI On Your Resume

Creating your resume, but stumped for ideas beyond your job titles, places of employment, and education? Getting employers to pick up the phone requires a much stronger brand message!

Top 10 Zoom Interview Tips

Zoom interviews are becoming more and more common. Become a Zoom interview master with our top 10 tips that are UNIQUE to the Zoom platform….

Unemployment Benefit Calculator – CARES Act

How much could you get in unemployment insurance from the CARES and HEROES Acts? We’ll give you the estimate and a timeline to help you plan.

Unemployment Benefit Calculator – CARES Act

How much could you get in unemployment insurance from the CARES and HEROES Acts? We’ll give you the estimate and a timeline to help you plan.

Chris Kidd is the owner of,,, and

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