Job Search
Career Advice Round-up for the week of Jan 11th, 2021
We scour the web so you don’t have to! Please see below for our curated job search articles for the week of January 11th, 2021….
Why separating our self-worth from our work can help our health and careers
For a lot of people their sense of self-worth is based almost entirely on what they do professionally.
Chaos and Your Career: Sunny Days or Storm Warnings Ahead?
If you stop and think about it career planning is a lot like weather prediction.
4 Ways to Follow Up After a Job Interview
What’s the best way to follow up after a job interview? First, write a thank-you note to the hiring manager no later than a day after. Keep it short and sweet, but mention one specific thing that you learned about their organization. If you don’t hear back by the date they said they’d make a decision, don’t panic.
You’re probably calculating freelance rates all wrong - so follow this strategy instead
by Benek Lisefski You’re probably calculating freelance rates all wrong – so follow this strategy instead How to think in terms of value, not time. Follow this pricing strategy to find your true market rate. Photo by rawpixel [https://unsplash.com/photos/yw7mV9JeND4?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText] on Unsplash [https://unsplash.com/?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText] When you first start freelancing it’s very
Should I Hire A Career Coach?
Hiring a qualified coach can help you to land a new job faster than going it alone, especially if you meet any of these criteria.

Chris Kidd is the owner of StyleCareers.com, StylePortfolios.com, StyleDispatch.com, FashionCareerFairs.com and FashionRetailCareers.com.
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