Job Search

Career Advice Round-up for Nov 9th, 2020

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Curated career advice for fashion industry professionals for the week of November 9th, 2020.

Should you ask for a raise during a pandemic?

Many companies aren’t offering raises during the pandemic. HR and financial experts offer tips on asking your boss for other benefits in lieu of a raise.

6 Ways to Rediscover Motivation During COVID-19

Has motivation left the building? Learn six proven methods to help bring your motivation back during COVID – or any time!

Job Hopper? 6 Quick Fixes to Cover Resume Gaps

Sometimes a resume will look like the person has had more jobs than hot meals. This is a sure fire way to make any potential employer run for the hills.

COVID-19 Deals a Dual Threat to Older Workers

For older workers, the coronavirus pandemic poses the grim potential of job loss and health risks, which makes for a complex landscape of employment issues.

Why Mentoring Matters More During the COVID-19 Crisis | Associations Now

At a time when not much feels certain about the world, having someone in your corner to turn to can help to make work life a little more manageable.

Chris Kidd is the owner of,,, and

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