Job Search

Career Advice Round-up

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Curated career advice from around the web for the week of March, 28th, 2022…

How to Ace Your Annual Performance Review

Stop dreading it and use it as a self-awareness exercise.

Why 2022 Is the Year of Pay Transparency

Employers looking to create more equitable workplaces are expected to embrace the policy of full transparency around salaries.

Adjectives to Avoid in an Interview for a Job

Job interviews require ample preparation, clear speaking, professionalism and awareness of your self-presentation. If you want your job interview to leave an excellent impression, you should avoid using abstract adjectives to describe yourself to the employer. Job applicants sometimes make the mistake of listing …

11 Ways to Earn Respect at Work | Entrepreneur

Punctuality, good manners and sobriety at the office bash go a long way to keep you in everyone’s good regard.

What Do You Think You Should Be Paid? (Published 2021)

It’s now a common job interview question. It can also be a trap. Here’s how to answer.

Chris Kidd is the owner of,,, and

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