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Career Advice Round-up

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Curated career advice from around the web for the week of January 31st, 2022

How To Deal With Jerks In The Workplace

Think you have to put up with that jerk of a boss, client, or coworker? Think again.

Why 2022 Will Be The Year Of The Employee-And 5 Ways To Adapt

The Great Resignation has paved the way for 2022 to become a year of hyper-focus on the issues that matter most to the workforce.

Understanding your ‘non-compete’ agreements: Seven common mistakes

David W. McGrath is president and managing director of Sheehan Phinney. He is also an employment law attorney and mediator.

8 Tips to Reduce Imposter Syndrome [January 2022]

This blog will go over various types of imposter syndrome and how to overcome the insecurities through key steps you can follow for wellness.

5 Leadership Trends to Embrace Now to Prepare for 2022 | Entrepreneur

It’s time to buck the old system and forge new trends, new cultures and new companies.

Chris Kidd is the owner of,,, and

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