Job Search

Career Advice Round-up

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Curated career advice and job search help for the week of September 27th, 2021…

Should You Do Free Work at a Job Interview?

More and more employers are asking job candidates to complete sample work projects.

All the major companies requiring vaccines for workers

With the highly-contagious Delta variant sweeping across the country, Corporate America is putting its foot down.

What to wear to a Zoom Interview? – How I Got The Job

We will mention what to wear to a zoom Interview here.

How to Overcome Age Discrimination in a Job Interview

Age discrimination in the workplace is a real issue-one that over 65 percent of baby boomers have encountered. Here’s how you can fight back (or stand up for others experiencing it.) Career advice for women, Best careers for women, Career tips for women

Chris Kidd is the owner of,,, and

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