Job Search

Career Advice Round-up

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Curated career advice and job search help for the week of September 27th, 2021…

‘Can I Ask to Be Paid for the Work I’m Doing for a Job Interview?’

The Cut’s financial advice columnist Charlotte Cowles answers a letter from a reader who wants to get paid for all the work her prospective employer is asking her to do.

Why Employers Ghost Job Seekers, and How to Respond

With many people still out of work from the pandemic and others desperate for a career change, the idea of a job seeker “ghosting” sounds unprofessional and absurd. Yet not only is it happening, it’s increasing.

Stop Giving Away Free Advice On Job Interviews

Vinay is sick and tired of giving away free consulting advice during job interviews, only to see the job given to someone else and his advice deployed for free. What can Vinay do to stop the problem?

Top 10 Interview Questions For 2022 (With Sample Answers)

Top 10 interview questions with sample answers! Includes a breakdown of each question and why the hiring manager is asking it…

Writing a Job Resignation Letter

Writing a professional resignation letter can help maintain relationships and benefit your career in the long run. Learn what to include and see examples.

Chris Kidd is the owner of,,, and

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