Add Portfolio Images To Your Profile
Think about this: A recruiter is trying to fill a design position and has two online profiles in front of her. Both of the profiles are of roughly the same experience and education. One of the profiles has portfolio images and/or lookbooks while the other does not. One designer can SHOW their work to the recruiter, the other has to DESCRIBE their work with words.
Which candidate do you think will have the advantage in getting the interview?
Which candidate do you think will have the advantage in getting the job?
The new StyleCareers.com portfolio feature allows users to upload individual images and/or lookbooks. Images can be in JPG or GIF format; lookbooks can be uploaded in PDF or MS Word.
Portfolio images/lookbooks are only available to recruiters who have purchased resume database access.
What types of professionals would benefit from having a portfolio on StyleCareers.com?
While the obvious answer is designers, people with backgrounds in Visual Merchandising, Marketing, Store Construction/Design, and even Technical Designers can also benefit from having a visual representation of their experience online and available to recruiters.
Getting Started:
First, login to your StyleCareers.com profile and navigate to the PORTFOLIO link under the MY ACCOUNT navigation pull-down.
Next, click the ADD button.
Finally, give your picture OR document a title and upload the file. Repeat as many times as necessary.
That is all there is to it. What are you waiting for? Login to your profile and post your portfolio!

Chris Kidd is the owner of StyleCareers.com, StylePortfolios.com, StyleDispatch.com, FashionCareerFairs.com and FashionRetailCareers.com.
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