
6 Questions NOT To Ask During a First Interview

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When preparing for a job interview, it’s important to think about the questions you’ll ask the interviewer. While it’s essential to ask questions to show your interest in the job and the company, there are some questions you should avoid asking. Here are some of the worst questions to ask during an initial job interview:

What does your company do? Asking this question shows that you haven’t done your research on the company and aren’t familiar with their products, services, or mission. This can make you appear unprepared and uninterested in the job.

What’s the salary for this position? Asking about salary during the initial job interview can make you appear money-focused and uninterested in the job itself. It’s best to wait until a job offer has been made before discussing salary.

Can I work from home? While remote work is becoming more common, it’s not a good idea to ask about it during the initial job interview. This question can make you appear presumptuous and overly demanding.

How quickly can I get promoted? Asking about promotions during the initial job interview can make you appear overly ambitious and focused on your own advancement rather than on the job at hand.

Can I take time off for vacation? Asking about time off during the initial job interview can make you appear uncommitted to the job and focused on your personal life rather than on the company’s needs.

What benefits does the company offer? While it’s important to know about a company’s benefits package, it’s not a good idea to ask about it during the initial job interview. This question can make you appear more focused on perks than on the job itself.

In summary, when preparing for an initial job interview, it’s important to avoid questions that make you appear unprepared, money-focused, presumptuous, overly ambitious, uncommitted, or more focused on perks than on the job itself. By focusing on questions that show your interest in the job and the company, you can make a positive impression on the interviewer and increase your chances of landing the job.

Chris Kidd is the owner of,,, and

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