Work Life
Worklife Round-up for Dec 3rd, 2018
This week we have articles on leveraging the job market, getting a raise, job search over 50 and job search mistakes.
Leverage The Tight Job Market To Benefit You And Your Career
This is a job market you can win in! The iron is hot, and this tight job market should provide you all the courage you need to strike now. Tired of your current job? Feel like your paycheck is too small? Don’t feel valued or appreciated for the work you do?
It’s A Job Seeker’s Market: Here’s What You Need to Know
Interviewing is work and if you take short cuts when doing your homework on potential employers, your search will probably take longer. So, here are five pointers to help you take advantage of the opportunities in front of you.
Intent on getting a big raise? You may have to quit your job
CLOSE WASHINGTON – Despite one of the best job markets in decades, workers across the U.S. economy are struggling with a common frustration: What does it take to finally get a decent raise? It turns out you might have to quit your job.
How to land a great job when you are over 50
Photo by Hero Images via Getty Images After spending the past seven years in accounts payable at a flooring installation company, Veronica Simmons, age 54 and living in San Diego, is looking for a new administrative position. As right hand to the chief operations officer, there’s no possibility for further promotion.
6 Fatal Mistakes Job Seekers Make – Next Avenue
When you’re looking for a job, especially after 50, it’s important to know what not to do. Many older job seekers make one or more of the following six mistakes, often with serious consequences – preventing candidates from being hired or leading them to take jobs they shouldn’t accept.
8 Phone Interview Tips That Will Land You A Second Interview
The Interview Guys present 8 great phone interview tips to help you land a second interview. Included are the common phone interview questions you can expect..
Chris Kidd is the owner of,,, and
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