Job Search
StyleCareers Profile Checklist
If you are actively looking for a new job, it is important that your online profiles are up to date. When it comes to fashion industry professionals and their StyleCareers.com profiles, here is a quick checklist to make sure your profile is ready…
to your profile
Recruiter search results are sorted by “sign-in date” with the profiles with the most recent sign-ins at the top. Make sure your profile is at or near the top of recruiter search results by signing in to your profile often. Sign-in here!
Is your profile viewable?
StyleCareers profiles can be hidden from all recruiters, specific recruiters OR can be seen by all recruiters. If you want your resume to be found and seen, make sure to verify that recruiters can see your profile. Sign-in here!
Latest resume uploaded?
Sign-in to your StyleCareers.com profile to make sure you have your latest resume uploaded. Feel free to add multiple versions of your resume too. Sign-in here!
Job alerts up to date?
When your experience changes, your job alerts might need to be updated. Not getting personalized job alerts, you can check that too. Sign-in here!
No longer in the fashion industry?
Access your StyleCareers.com profile and delete it from our system. Sign-in here!

Chris Kidd is the owner of StyleCareers.com, StylePortfolios.com, StyleDispatch.com, FashionCareerFairs.com and FashionRetailCareers.com.
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