Recruiter's Blog
SCAM ALERT – European Based, Fashion-Only Job Listing Site
It has come to our attention that a European-based, fashion-only job board is offering free, short-term memberships to StyleCareers.com customers. They claim that they are using Indeed to bolster their traffic.
Sounds benign enough, how is this a scam? As of April 2018, all Indeed affiliates that were buying traffic from their site will no longer be able to do so. This was independently verified by us (see below).
What does this mean?
If you are taking part in this free trial, most, if not all, of the job seeker traffic you are getting now, will stop in April 2018. This is important because this company is trying to get StyleCareers customers to buy annual memberships to their job board knowing full-well that they will not be able to deliver the same results after April; that’s 9-11 months of the annual membership!
To us, this is a scam and we don’t want to see any of our customers pay for a 12-month membership only to get 15-30 days worth of usefulness.
As a side note, this European-based, fashion-only job board comes up on our radar every 3-4 years. They scrape jobs from StyleCareers.com, often incorrectly; leaving out information, using the wrong application instructions and leaving up jobs that have expired. We’ve had to send cease and desist letters on more than one occasion.

Chris Kidd is the owner of StyleCareers.com, StylePortfolios.com, StyleDispatch.com, FashionCareerFairs.com and FashionRetailCareers.com.
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