New StyleCareers.com
Recruiter FAQ – New StyleCareers.com
This is the Recruiter FAQ page. If you are a job seeker, please visit the Job Seekers FAQ page.
I had an account on the old version of StyleCareers.com. Will my account transfer over to the new site?
Yes, all of your account information has been transferred to the new site.
Will my old login information work with the new StyleCareers.com?
Yes, but your password will need to be in ALL CAPS (just the password). Contact our Service Team at service@stylecareers.com or 314-454-9920 if you need assistance with login credentials.
I forgot my password, how can I retrieve it?
The password look-up page can be found here.
Contact our Service Team at service@stylecareers.com or 314-454-9920 if you need assistance obtaining your password.
Can I change my password?
Yes. Log in to your account and navigate to MY ACCOUNT > EDIT PROFILE and update as needed. Contact our Service Team at service@stylecareers.com or 314-454-9920 if you need assistance OR if you’d like us to change your password for you.
Do I have to create an account to post a job?
Yes and no. If you do not have an account, you can send your job listing to service@stylecareers.com and our Service Team will create an account for you. They will also prepare your ad for review.
Alternately, you can create an account here.
If you think you may have an account with StyleCareers.com, feel free to contact our Service Team to find out.
Can I still send my jobs to service@stylecareers.com?
Absolutely. We are happy to continue working in whatever way is easiest for our customers.
Do I have to pre-pay for job listings?
New companies, companies who have dubious credit histories with us and companies that haven’t used StyleCareers.com in a long time are required to pre-pay for job listings. If you are a regular customer of StyleCareers.com and are not on credit hold, feel free to send your job listings directly to our Service Team using service@stylecareers.com to have your jobs posted immediately with NET30 payment terms.
I’m not sure what Category and/or Job Function and/or Region to use, what should I do?
A member of our Service Team reviews every job listing submitted through our site and will adjust the Category, Job Function or Region if needed. In the event adjustments are warranted, one of our Service Team members will contact the job poster to get approval before posting.
How do I get my company’s logo on the Featured Employer’s page?
Companies and agencies listed on our Featured Employers page all have long-term memberships with StyleCareers.com. During our Career Fair season, we also include companies exhibiting at the upcoming events. A quick glance is all you need to see that we work with the best brands in the industry. The logo link gives job-seekers easy access to a company’s Employer Profile and all jobs currently posted for their organization. If you are interested in annual membership packages or exhibiting at our FashionCareerFair, please contact us <link needed> or call 314-454-9920 for more information.
Further Support
Can’t find the answer to your question? Feel free to CONTACT US at 314-454-9920 or service@stylecareers.com, we are happy to assist.

Chris Kidd is the owner of StyleCareers.com, StylePortfolios.com, StyleDispatch.com, FashionCareerFairs.com and FashionRetailCareers.com.
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