Recruiter's Blog
Free Internship Postings – StyleCareers.com
Post your paid and unpaid internship opportunities on StyleCareers.com at no charge!
Like all of our job listings, intern positions will be searchable, included in our job alert messages and highlighted on the Internship landing page.
To participate, send your internship job listing(s) to service@stylecareers.com and our Service Team will create your account and prepare your ad(s) for review. Once approved, the ad(s) will be made live and will stay on StyleCareers for 30 days.
Please note: free internship postings are reserved for paid and unpaid for college credit positions. This program is not for entry-level jobs or companies just wanting cheap labor. Eligibility to participate in this program is solely at the discretion of StyleCareers.com.
Chris Kidd is the owner of StyleCareers.com, StylePortfolios.com, StyleDispatch.com, FashionCareerFairs.com and FashionRetailCareers.com.
Part of the StyleCareers.com career resources network, StyleDispatch.com offers news, advice and opinion for the fashion industry careerist.
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