Job Search

Career Advice Round-up

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Curated career advice and job search news from around the web for the week of December 12th, 2022…

How to Make Your Resume Stand Out in 2022

Here’s advice on how to make your resume stand out, and a free downloadable template.

3 things you can learn from your worst boss

Lauren Stiller Rikleen, President of Rikleen Institute for Strategic Leadership

8 Ways to Combat Age Discrimination in Your Job Search

Here’s how can you fight age discrimination before a hiring manager, recruiter, or HR professional dismisses your candidacy based on your age.

Keep Track of Your Work Accomplishments Throughout the Year

When it comes time for your annual review or you want to ask for a raise, you likely know that you’ll need to back up your request for more money or a

How to Beat Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)

Here’s everything you need to know about applicant tracking systems so you can beat the bots and get a real, live person to look at your resumé.

Chris Kidd is the owner of,,, and

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