Job Search

Career Advice Round-up

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Curated job search and career advice for the week of December 4th, 2022…

Performance Review Tips for your Annual Review

Your performance review only comes around once a year. Make it count. Have you ever considered quitting your job after a particularly disappointing performance review? You’re not alone. Annual performance reviews, when conducted properly, can be a valuable feedback loop and a key driver for one’s professional growth.

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This is how often you should update your resume—whether or not you’re looking for a new job – CNBC

Examples of Positive Contributions in a Job

Examples of Positive Contributions in a Job. Considering that employees enter an organization with their own combination of intelligence and personality — which are fixed traits — as well as emotions and self-esteem–which are transient states, there is a potential for them to feel happy and engaged at work. …

How To Assess Your End Of The Year Networking Efforts

There are so many reasons that people join organizations or go to events, but there comes a point where you have to assess whether what you are doing is working for you from a monetary or business perspective. Specifically, how do you measure the ROI of your networking efforts?

How to Ask for a Raise During Tough Times | Career Contessa

Most of your advice on asking for a raise, including our own, will instruct you to wait for a healthy time in your organization. Here’s how to ask for a raise when tough times seem never-ending. Career advice for women, Best careers for women, Career tips for women

Chris Kidd is the owner of,,, and

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