Job Search
Here is the career advice round-up for the week of January 15th…
Designer Workshop & Happy Hour | January 19 | Invitation – Style Portfolios
If you missed your chance to RSVP for Betabrand’s Designer Workshop (completely booked, sorry!), there’s still time to register for the post-event Happy Hour on . Betabranders will be on hand to answer your burning questions over quenching beverages. Spots are going fast, so let us know if you’re coming!
These Methods Will Finally Help You Organize Your Job Search Better
When you’re actively looking for a new job, you can’t afford to wing it on the organizational front. Whether you apply for five jobs or 100, you’ll soon find yourself buried in an extraordinary number of resumes, cover letters, job descriptions, and interview invitations.
10 Questions You Should Ask During an Interview – StyleDispatch
You landed the interview and you’ve prepped for every type of question you could be asked. All your bases are covered. You’ve been practicing for the expected “tell me about yourself” opener, you’ve carefully planned out how to discuss your achievements and successes and… you’ve even got an unexpected answer to the dreaded question, “what’s …
The best way to answer ‘Why are you leaving your job?’ without making your interviewer worry
Answering the interview question “Why are you leaving your job?” can be difficult. You want to show your motivations, but also not worry the interviewer. Emphasize results, be polite, and don’t dwell on your current/previous employer. Focus on you. There are many reasons why you might have left your last job, and not all of them are rosy.
Interview After Interview But No Offer? Here’s Why And How To Fix
When you’re job hunting and you find yourself landing multiple interviews, with multiple companies, with zero job offers to show for your efforts, it’s time to discover what’s holding you back so that you can finally transition from job hunter to new hire.
Marketing & Events Coordinator at StyleCareers.com, StylePortfolios.com, StyleDispatch.com, FashionCareerFairs.com and MayoroftheMall.com.
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