Job Search

Job Seeker Profiles: Faster & Easier to Create!

By  | has made creating a profile faster and easier.  With just one page (3 questions), you can create a fully-working profile that you can use to apply to ads and to get job alerts.

To create a user profile, all you need is…

…your Name
…your Email Address
…your Job Title (current or most recent)
…your Employer (current or most recent)
…your Resume in PDF, Word.doc or .TXT format (optional)

It is important to note that the new profile creation page allows job seekers to HIDE THEIR PROFILES from select companies (like their current employer) while making it available to other customers; direct employers and agencies.

Why would you want to create a profile on

– To have fashion-specific job listings emailed to you.
– To track jobs you’ve applied to.
– To use stored resumes, cover letters AND portfolio images when applying.
– To be found by fashion industry recruiters (or not, if you want anonymity).
– To get special offers from and our partners.

What are you waiting for? Go to to get started!

Want to take your profile to the next level?  You can add the following at any time…

…a personal logo (avatar)
…a branding image (hero graphic)
…a profile headline (similar to LinkedIn)
…a profile summary (similar to LinkedIn)
…portfolio images
…multiple versions of your resume
…multiple versions of your cover letter

Want to learn more?  Check out this post on Getting the Most Out of your Profile.

Chris Kidd is the owner of,,, and

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