Recruiter Profiles
Recruiter Interview – Ruth Nally
Tell us a little about yourself.
RN: After graduating college, I fell into retail and found my calling. I ended up having an amazing career as a Buyer, got to travel the world, put lines together and learned a lot. I purchased many different categories; Mens, Ladies, Kids as well as handbags and accessories. This experience has helped me understand the different markets as a recruiter.
How did you get into recruiting?
RN: When retail was slowing down, I was looking for something I could apply my knowledge to and found a recruiting fashion firm basically in my backyard. The owner of The Assurance Group recruited me to start a fashion division, thus Fashion Assurance was created. Here we are 14 years later.
Tell us about The Fashion Assurance Group
RN: Fashion Assurance is a multi-million dollar company. We place in all areas of fashion, from CEO’s to Designers, Production, etc. If it is a position within the fashion market, we can do it. We really love what we do. We strive to be a one stop for our clients giving them no reason to go anywhere else.
Why would a fashion industry job seeker want to work at/with The Fashion Assurance Group?
RN: We are honest and only contact you with real job opportunities. We advise you every step of the way.
Tell us about the hiring process at The Fashion Assurance Group?
RN: We totally vet the candidates before sending them to clients; the interview process is usually 1-2 interviews and then the job offer. We do reference checks as well as background checks and any other test our client require.
What types of fashion industry positions do you recruit for?
RN: We recruit for all roles in the fashion business. Wholesale and retail; clerical to CEO, design, production, sales and buyers. Our client base has grown to all over the country.
What sources do you use the most to find fashion industry talent?
RN: Networking, job boards, social media, referrals
What are some common misconceptions job seekers have about your job?
RN: That all we care about is making money; that could not be further from the truth. We have a passion for what we do and take great pride when we find a job for our candidate that makes them happy and gives them a better opportunity.
What should job seekers know about your job as a recruiter?
RN: That you have to love and understand people. Where they will fit in and have the greatest opportunity to grow. We are very honest to our candidates and clients.
What are some of the most common mistakes fashion industry job seekers make when looking/applying/interviewing/etc… for a job?
RN: Not really reading the job description and applying for a job that is not related to their background. Not proofreading their resume before applying. Making sure the dates on their resume are correct.
What’s the craziest thing a job seeker has ever said to you?
RN: That is too long to answer, it would take pages.
What advice do you have for younger job seekers?
RN: Being honest with recruiters as well as clients and researching the opportunity before applying and/ or going on your interview.
What advice do you have for older job seekers?
RN: Employers value the skills you have and how that can be a great asset to a company. Be honest on your interview and be proud of your accomplishments. Show how your experience and maturity will only benefit them.
If you would like to be a featured recruiter on StyleDispatch.com please contact: candidateservices@stylecareers.com
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