Recruiter Profiles
Recruiter Interview – Joseph Morgan
What company do you work for?
Jaral Fashion Personnel
What is your job title?
Executive Recruiter
What type of recruiting do you do?
Placement Agency
Tell us a little about yourself.
I have been in the recruiting business for 53 years. We place candidates in the fashion business exclusively in NYC, nationwide and worldwide.
Tell us about your company.
Jaral Fashion Personnel places candidates in all aspects of the fashion industry including designers, assistant designers, production directors, production managers, production coordinators, technical designers, sewing factory managers, logistics, e -commerce, fashion warehouse managers, sales vp’s, sales key account managers, sales assistants, controllers and accountants, presidents, vice presidents, wholesale merchandisers, pattern makers and all other categories of employment in the fashion industry, including womenswear, menswear and kidswear as well as fashion accessories.
Why would a fashion industry job seeker want to work at/with your company?
Employers and employees in the fashion industry would want to work with Jaral Fashion Personnel because we have placed fashion candidates with fashion employers for the past 53 years. We aggressively recruit every day for top talent.
Tell us about the hiring process at your company.
We recruit fashion candidates four ways…. direct recruiting, referrals, our data base and advertising.
What should job seekers know about your job as a recruiter?
Fashion employers and fashion employees will not find a more aggressive recruiting firm to help them. We cannot guarantee that we can help you, but you can be assured that we will try our targeted and complete commitment on your behalf.
What’s the craziest thing a job seeker has ever said to you?
The candidate did not show up for an interview because he said his dog swallowed a pipe. I never found out what happened to his dog or the candidate…
What advice do you have for younger job seekers?
This is advice I have for younger job seekers, for older job seekers and all others. Adversity is unavoidable, adversity is normal. Uncertainty is unavoidable, uncertainty is normal. Success is not final. Failure is not fatal. It is courage to continue that counts. In other words, you have got to get over it and keep on going…. easy to say, hard to do… but necessary.

Chris Kidd is the owner of StyleCareers.com, StylePortfolios.com, StyleDispatch.com, FashionCareerFairs.com and FashionRetailCareers.com.
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