Job Search

Fashion Job Search: Why Being the “Weird” Candidate Might Not Be So Bad

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In an industry as creative and ever-evolving as fashion, standing out from the crowd can often feel like a double-edged sword. On one hand, you want to showcase your individuality and unique talents, but on the other, there’s always that lingering fear: What if being different makes you the “weird” candidate?

Maybe your portfolio is more avant-garde than traditional. Perhaps your resume doesn’t follow the linear path that recruiters expect. Or maybe your interview answers don’t fit into neatly rehearsed soundbites. Whatever it is that makes you stand out, you might be tempted to downplay it in favor of fitting in. But here’s the thing: In fashion, being the “weird” candidate can actually be your greatest advantage.

Here’s why embracing your uniqueness might just land you your dream job in the fashion world.

Fashion Thrives on Innovation and Individuality
The fashion industry is built on pushing boundaries. Designers, brands, and stylists are constantly seeking new ideas and fresh perspectives. If you blend in with every other candidate, you might not capture the attention of decision-makers who are looking for the next big thing.

Consider some of the most iconic figures in fashion—like Alexander McQueen or Rei Kawakubo of Comme des Garçons—whose unconventional approaches didn’t just break the mold but redefined it entirely. These trailblazers didn’t succeed by playing it safe. They leaned into what made them different, often turning what others viewed as “weird” into the new standard.

By being unapologetically yourself, you position yourself as someone who can bring original ideas to the table, and that’s exactly what the fashion industry needs.

Non-Traditional Career Paths Can Be an Asset
If your resume isn’t a straight line from fashion school to assistant designer to head designer, that doesn’t mean you’re at a disadvantage. In fact, a non-traditional career path can make you a more versatile and innovative candidate.

Maybe you worked in a completely different industry before transitioning into fashion, or perhaps you’ve juggled freelance gigs, internships, and creative side projects. Instead of hiding these experiences, highlight the unique skills you’ve gained. Maybe that stint in marketing gave you insights into consumer behavior, or your freelance work taught you how to manage multiple clients and projects under tight deadlines.

Fashion is an industry that thrives on creativity and adaptability, so if your background is unconventional, don’t shy away from it. Use it to show how your diverse experiences give you a unique edge that others might not have.

Authenticity Resonates with Brands
Brands today are more focused than ever on authenticity. Consumers are increasingly drawn to companies and designers who aren’t afraid to be real and raw, and that same ethos applies to hiring. Employers want candidates who can bring their authentic selves to the table, offering a perspective that resonates with the brand’s vision and values.

When you embrace your quirks, your true self shines through, and that authenticity can be magnetic. Whether it’s your unique design aesthetic, your unconventional thought process, or even your quirky personal style, these are the things that make you memorable. By staying true to who you are, you’ll connect more deeply with brands that align with your individuality.

Standing Out Can Lead to the Right Fit
Let’s face it: Not every company is going to love that you’re the “weird” candidate—and that’s OK. The goal isn’t to please everyone but to find the right fit for you. If a company rejects you because they see your uniqueness as a liability, it’s probably not a place where you’d thrive anyway.

On the flip side, if you walk into an interview and fully own your individuality, you’ll attract employers who appreciate what you bring to the table. These are the people who will value your vision, encourage your creativity, and give you the space to grow into your full potential. Ultimately, being your authentic self ensures that when you do find the right role, it will be a place where you can truly shine.

The Industry is Evolving, and So Should Candidates
Fashion is an industry that never stays still. Trends come and go, but it’s the daring, innovative thinkers who set those trends in motion. The people who are willing to challenge norms, experiment, and take risks are the ones shaping the future of fashion.

In the same way, the job market is evolving, and employers are increasingly valuing soft skills like creativity, problem-solving, and emotional intelligence alongside traditional experience. As fashion becomes more inclusive, more sustainable, and more digitally-driven, the industry needs fresh voices and diverse perspectives to navigate these changes. Your unconventional approach might be exactly what a company needs to innovate and evolve in today’s fast-changing environment.

Being “Weird” Shows Confidence
There’s something inherently confident about embracing what makes you different. It takes courage to walk into an interview and present yourself authentically, knowing you might not fit the typical mold. But this confidence is exactly what fashion companies are looking for. Confidence in your ideas, your vision, and your skills shows that you’re someone who’s not afraid to take risks—an essential quality in an industry where innovation is key.

Confidence doesn’t mean being loud or over-the-top; it simply means being comfortable with who you are and what you bring to the table. When you embrace your so-called “weirdness,” you show that you’re self-assured and ready to make an impact.

Being the “weird” job candidate isn’t a disadvantage—it’s an opportunity. In a creative and ever-evolving industry like fashion, standing out is often the key to success. So, whether it’s your unconventional career path, unique design sensibilities, or non-traditional skill set, don’t be afraid to embrace what makes you different.

At the end of the day, your “weirdness” might just be the very thing that sets you apart from the competition and lands you that dream job.

Chris Kidd is the owner of,,, and

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