Recruiter's Blog
Best Practices – 4/2/18
for the week of April 2nd
What is the difference between Employer Branding and Recruitment Marketing?
Employer Branding and Recruitment Marketing have gone from HR buzzwords to must have recruiting strategies. However, many HR professionals are still puzzled by these terms and they can’t tell the exact difference between them.
Job Seeker Fibs, Embellishments, Fabrications and Outright Lies – StyleDispatch
StyleCareers.com conducted a survey of fashion industry recruiters and hiring managers regarding background checks and corresponding candidate fibs/embellishments/fabrications/lies. This post deals with the latter. Why is this important? The Internet has given recruiters unprecedented access to job seeker information. Checking, for example, a candidate’s salary history or education credentials can be done quickly and cheaply …
Talent Pipeline Case Study – Nestlé Purina Reaches an Amazing 43 Percent of Hires – Dr John Sullivan
You might be surprised to learn that a talent pipeline strategy can yield a time to fill that can actually be zero days. If you’re not familiar with the concept, a talent pipeline recruiting strategy provides a tremendous competitive advantage because it allows your firm to fill positions almost immediately with higher-quality talent then you …
‘Talent Retention’ Problems? Hint: Your Culture Is Broken
Most read Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. HR folks and academics who study leadership talk a lot about “talent retention.” “Talent retention” means keeping your employees on board rather than letting them fly off to other companies. Talent retention is big business.
9 Simple Steps to Writing a Compelling Job Advertisement
Writing a job ad is just like writing any advertisement. You need to know your target audience, address them in the language they understand and offer them what they want. There’s nothing worse than writing an ad for a position you are hoping to fill, posting it online or even running it in a local paper (yes …
STYLECAREERS RESUME DATABASE – Quick Reference – StyleDispatch
The following is a quick reference for using the StyleCareers.com resume database search tool. For more detailed information and/or candidate search strategies for specific positions, please schedule a tutorial with Chris Kidd or one of our Service Managers. The first thing to know about the StyleCareers.com resume database is that you should NOT fill-out every …

Chris Kidd is the owner of StyleCareers.com, StylePortfolios.com, StyleDispatch.com, FashionCareerFairs.com and FashionRetailCareers.com.
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