
15 Things to Delete from Your Resume

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Crafting a strong resume is a critical aspect of navigating today’s competitive job market. It’s not just about listing your experiences; it’s about strategically presenting yourself as the ideal candidate. Knowing what to include and what to omit can significantly impact your chances of landing interviews and securing the job you desire. Here are 15 things to delete from your resume…

Irrelevant Work Experience: While it’s tempting to list every job you’ve ever had, it’s essential to prioritize relevance. Fashion employers want to see experience that aligns with the role you’re applying for. Highlight positions that showcase your skills in design, merchandising, retail, or any other aspect directly related to the job at hand.

Objective Statement: Objective statements have fallen out of fashion. Instead, opt for a summary or profile section that succinctly outlines your skills and experience. Use this space to grab the employer’s attention and emphasize what makes you a perfect fit for the role.

See also: Resume Summary Statements for Experienced Fashion Industry Professionals

Personal Information: Details like your age, marital status, or religious affiliation have no place on your resume. Focus on showcasing your professional qualifications, and leave out anything that could potentially lead to discrimination.

Mailing Address: In today’s digital age, including your physical address is often unnecessary. Save space and avoid potential biases by omitting this detail. Employers are more interested in your skills and experience than your location.

Multiple Phone Numbers: Streamline your contact information by providing a single reliable phone number. This makes it easier for employers to reach you and reduces the risk of missed communication.

Unprofessional Email Address: Your email address is part of your professional brand. Create a new, professional email address if your current one is outdated or inappropriate.

Irrelevant Social Media Profiles: While it’s essential to maintain a strong online presence, only include social media profiles that are relevant to your professional persona. Platforms like LinkedIn or a professional blog can showcase your expertise and industry engagement.

See also: Social Media & Your Job Search

Inconsistent Formatting: A well-formatted resume is essential for making a positive first impression. Ensure consistency in fonts, alignment, and bullet styles to convey professionalism and attention to detail.

References: Save space by omitting references from your resume. Instead, indicate that they are available upon request. This gives you more control over when and how they are shared with potential employers.

See also: 4 Rules for Professional References
See also: REPLAY: Professional References

Overused Buzzwords: Steer clear of cliché terms like “team player” or “detail-oriented.” Instead, use specific language that demonstrates your unique skills and accomplishments.

More Than 15 Years of Experience: While experience is valuable, avoid specifying the exact number of years you’ve been working. Focus on highlighting your skills and achievements, regardless of your tenure in the industry.

Salary Information: Your resume is not the place to discuss salary requirements. Keep the focus on your qualifications and save salary discussions for later stages of the hiring process.

See also: 3 Salary Negotiation Strategies You Need To Know

A Photo of Yourself: Let your qualifications speak for themselves. Including a photo can open the door to bias and discrimination. Keep the focus on your professional skills and experience.

An Explanation of Why You Want the Job: While it’s essential to convey your interest in the role, keep it brief. Save detailed explanations for your cover letter or interview.

See also: Cover Letters are Dead, Long Live the Cover Letter
See also: Don’t make any of these 10 Interview Mistakes

A well-crafted resume is a vital tool for advancing your fashion career. By removing outdated or irrelevant information, you can ensure that your qualifications shine through. Tailor your resume to each opportunity, focusing on what matters most to potential employers. With a polished and concise resume, you’ll stand out in a competitive industry and increase your chances of landing your dream job.

Chris Kidd is the owner of,,, and

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