Job Search
Here is the career advice round-up for the week of March 5th…
Do Resume Typos Matter? Here’s What Hundreds Of LinkedIn Users Say
A few months ago, I posted a question on LinkedIn: “If someone who is not a professional writer has a couple of typos in their resume, why does that speak to anything more than being human?” 1,270 comments later, it’s abundantly clear to me that people have some pretty strong opinions about this.
How to Master Office Etiquette
Get Ask a Boss delivered weekly. Bad behavior that requires you to think about it in the first place is a drag, but office etiquette is essential for everyone. Every single day at work, people deal with frenemies, distractions, rude interns, and mansplainers.
The Way You Think About Your Job Interview Could Be Sabotaging Your Chances Right From the Start
If you’re worried about “hard” questions in your next job interview, don’t be. Instead, career expert and resume writer Andrea Gerson says you should think about the job interview as a chance to tell the story you want to tell.
3 email tips that can boost your chances of getting a response
Boomerang CEO Alex Moore shares the top mistakes his team found users of their app making when constructing emails.
Betabrand Design Contest! Newstalgia Design – StyleDispatch
Is there a cherished piece of clothing from your past – like the blazer you wore at your first job, or a long-lost favorite dress – that you’d like to recreate or update? If so, now is your time to bring it back AND have the chance to win the Betabrand Newstalgia Design Contest!
Marketing & Events Coordinator at StyleCareers.com, StylePortfolios.com, StyleDispatch.com, FashionCareerFairs.com and MayoroftheMall.com.
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